Our Story | The Art of Vermouth | 9diDANTE
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9diDANTE is the brainchild of Alex Ouziel, under the experienced mentorship of famed Master Blender Mario Baralis. A product made possible by a chance encounter that has developed into close friendship.

Having learnt the Art of Vermouth over 30 years of guarding the secrets of the original Carpano and Antica Formulas, Mario has been happily retired in the Piedmont hills for 20 years. He never saw himself creating a new and original vermouth formula until he crossed paths with Alex and they started discussing how artisanal Piedmont craftsmanship could inspire the taste of a new generation.



In 1320, Dante Alighieri completes his masterpiece La Divina Comedia. The poem narrates Dante’s travels through Hell and Purgatory on his way to Paradise and serves as a parody of Florence’s power struggles at a time where the city gives birth to the Renaissance.

As a Medieval version of Forbes, this is a list of the time’s Who is Who that Dante makes accessible to a wider audience by writing it in Italian, making La Divina Comedia the first book ever written in the language at a time when Latin was the norm.

9diDANTE comes to life as a modern liquid version of the poem. To us, Vermouth is a power struggle between Wormwood and all the other botanicals, told in a language that everyone can understand … wine!




9diDANTE comes to life at the foot of the Piemonte hills, the land that has seen Vermouth grow and has mastered its art since the XVIII Century, when it became the socialites drink in the court of the Kings of Savoy.

Since 2019, the IGP Appellation of Vermouth di Torino guarantees the quality of its origin and process. As one of only a few Vermouths crafted and bottled under the SUPERIORE classification, 9diDANTE is blended exclusively with Piemonte DOC wines.

To craft our Inferno Rosso Vermouth, we use an equal blend of Dolcetto red and Cortese white wines, allowing us to obtain our charismatic ruby red colour naturally and avoiding the use of caramel for coloration.



Cocktail culture is back to stay and with it so is the spirit that helped create it. The Negroni and Manhattan are both among the World’s Top 5 most appreciated cocktails, but while the Bitter, the Gin or the Bourbon used are regularly called by name, vermouth remains the silent partner.

We believe that the time has come to give Vermouth the recognition it deserves. Next time you order a Negroni, a Manhattan or an Americano, #NameYourVermouth and discover the difference that it brings to your aperitif.